A farmers toast!

Let the wealthy and great, Roll in splendour and state, I envy them not i declare it, I eat my own lamb, My chickens and ham, I shear my own fleece and i wear it, I have lawns,I have bowers, I have fruits,I have flowers, The lark is my morning alarmer, So joyful boy's now, Here's god speed the plough, Long life and success to the farmer!!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Work work work!

"I've been so busy doing nothing working the whole day through". doing orrible jobs, no fun this week every where to wet and grey and my plants are rotting, doesnt somebody know a sundance we can do?????
I've made wine which you've all seen , i'm going to try Heather mead next and see how that works....
Today all day we've fitted a monty proof gate and repaired some fencing and it feels good to see a job completed. Tomorrow we dismantle J's old caravan which is not fit to reuse.
Now i'm going out to try and bring some semblence of order to the front garden while the suns out...i've got one bit off good news theres a wwoofer coming next week ,perfect timing for ragwort removal "there is a god after all"....
and while it's been raining i've been chcking out other sites i've not visited for ages,Not the Boring one!! t
The Greyhound one, and guess what i've got another arriving in two weeks!!! mad !mad! mad! i know but i'm soft.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Sounds like you've had a busy but enjoyable day. Getting another dog certainly cheers me up.

    Crystal xx

  2. No! Another dog?? You total madwoman,you!
