A farmers toast!

Let the wealthy and great, Roll in splendour and state, I envy them not i declare it, I eat my own lamb, My chickens and ham, I shear my own fleece and i wear it, I have lawns,I have bowers, I have fruits,I have flowers, The lark is my morning alarmer, So joyful boy's now, Here's god speed the plough, Long life and success to the farmer!!

Friday, February 12, 2010


I wasn't going to blog then i looked at my side bar and noticed a winnie the poo?? i don't remember seeing him there under followers before ? I clicked and it was Woozle it made me smile and think how lucky we all are .. ps was she always winnie ?? i thought she was a church steeple or something is she playing tricks I wouldn't be surprised. xxx


  1. No she wasn't always a Winnie the pooh but as she was a woozle it changed and I love seeing it on my side bar too. Hope Tye is feelign better!

  2. And me, it makes me smile.
    Poor old Tye and those sore paws.
