A farmers toast!

Let the wealthy and great, Roll in splendour and state, I envy them not i declare it, I eat my own lamb, My chickens and ham, I shear my own fleece and i wear it, I have lawns,I have bowers, I have fruits,I have flowers, The lark is my morning alarmer, So joyful boy's now, Here's god speed the plough, Long life and success to the farmer!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008


Well heres what you do pick up a book close by! Turn to page 123, find the 5th sentence and copy the next 5..
The book i've picked up is AYLWIN by Theodore watt's Dunton, first published in 1898.

object among the debris,standing aghast at the sight of her dead father with the evidence of his hideous crime on his own breast; there came the sound of a cry to "Henry" for help! I beat my head against the bedstead till i was nearly stunned. I yelled and bellowed like.........
I'll tag pilli and woozle and sbs xx